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    Delta winter puts the economy on a knife-edge

    Sydney’s declaration of a national emergency over the latest outbreak of the highly contagious coronavirus variant shows when it comes to the strength of the national economy, eradication is still the main game.

    Ronald MizenSenior reporter

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    Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s assessment of Australia’s economic and fiscal outlook in the federal budget a little over two months ago was nothing if not upbeat.

    The deficit was revised down by $114 billion on the back of strong tax receipts and an $11 billion cut to the welfare bill as more people found work.

    “Australia’s economic engine is roaring back to life,” Frydenberg said.

    The government deserves credit for its $250 billion in stimulus to get the nation through its first recession in almost three decades but, as the past month has shown, virus eradication is still the main game.

    The lockdowns of greater Sydney, Victoria and South Australia are forecast to result in a significant contraction in economic output in the September quarter; with the government already admitting as much.

    The dual lockdowns of Australia’s two largest cities is costing the economy about $300 million per day, according to Treasury. A further $35 million per day can be sliced off for the seven day lockdown in South Australia.

    That comes as analysis by UBS, AMP Capital and KPMG indicates the economic hit of earlier lockdowns, combined with the latest restrictions in Sydney, Melbourne and South Australia, would be upwards of $10 billion and will weigh on both the June and September quarter GDP results.

    Prior to the announcement of lockdowns in Victoria and South Australia, the Commonwealth Bank was forecasting a 0.7 contraction in the economy in the three months to September; but CBA’s head of Australian economics, Gareth Aird, says the numbers are likely to get worse.

    Analysis by AFR Weekend indicates that a soft June quarter GDP result, followed by a contraction of more than 1 per cent in the following quarter, would reset the size of the economy to pre-pandemic levels.

    CommSec senior economist Ryan Felsman said that Australia’s “V-shaped” recovery to date could very quickly become “W-shaped” if the outbreak of the highly-contagious delta variant continues unabated.


    At a press conference outside The Lodge in Canberra on Wednesday – which rather ironically initially excluded journalists who were not fully vaccinated – Prime Minister Scott Morrison outlined the situation.

    “The supply chain disruption, the impacts on confidence, the fall in job ads, which is to be expected in these circumstances, we anticipate will have an impact, obviously, on the September quarter GDP,” Morrison said

    “It is impossible to avoid it when you’ve got lockdowns running at the rate we’re seeing across three states right now. And, so, we do anticipate that.”

    But the Prime Minister struck an upbeat tone for the future.

    “In the quarter that follows, should we continue to be on the path we’re on, in increasing our resilience, then we can expect that to turnaround in the December quarter,” he said.

    The government and most economists believe the dent to the economy from a prolonged lockdown which successfully eradicates the virus will be short-lived, and the rebound will be swift, as in the past.

    The streets are empty in Maroubra in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.  Wolter Peeters

    When National Cabinet agreed to a national lockdown at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, then, like now, it began at the tail end of a economic quarter – March 2020; the hit to GDP was small, just 0.3 per cent. In the three months that followed, the economic contraction was a full 7 per cent, marking the deepest recession in almost a century.

    Fortress Australia


    Unemployment lifted from 5.1 per cent to 7.4 per cent as the number of employed Australians plummeted by more than 850,000; consumer sentiment fell to its lowest level since the global financial crisis, and retail trade fell 18 per cent in four weeks as all but essential retail shut down.

    Australia’s recovery was, however, swift. A strategy of suppressing the virus, which merged into a strategy to eradicate the virus, allowed life to largely return to normal within the bounds of fortress Australia.

    Bolstered by hundreds of billions of dollars in fiscal and monetary stimulus, including the $93 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy program, the economy recovered quickly, lifting above its pre-pandemic level in March 2021.

    “If you look at our economic performance, with respect to this whole recession we faced, we bounced quickly,” Frydenberg said.

    This week Morrison assured voters a double-dip recession was unlikely because the Australia’s economic fundamentals were strong, and the government was continuing to provide support, albeit not to the same degree as during the nation’s effective first wave of virus restrictions.

    “You will see, as we’ve already seen in the past, businesses come back and come back strongly, and hopefully pick up some lost ground,” he said.

    But as NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said in defence of her decision not to follow the other states in locking down hard and early, the delta variant is a completely different prospect to earlier strains of the virus.

    The delta variant has become the dominant strain of the coronavirus in the United States and, according to the health officials, now accounts for more than 80 per cent of sequenced cases.


    “This is a dramatic increase, up from 50 per cent for the week of July 3,” Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention said this week.

    How Australian states, primarily NSW, handle delta over the next fortnight will shape the lives of tens of millions of Australians for at least the next six months and maybe longer. The picture so far appears gloomy.

    Sydney recorded 762 cases over the past seven days, about a third of which (241) were infectious while in the community.

    Berejiklian said on Friday she now regarded the situation in Sydney as “a national emergency”. Health experts said NSW was “on a knife’s edge”. Right now, the national economy is sitting right there with it.

    Morrison this week rejected the need to have a budget update before the next mid-year outlook in December, but whenever it comes, the cost of the latest outbreak will be plain for all to see.

    As Frydenberg said in May: “This pandemic is far from over.”

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    Ronald Mizen
    Ronald MizenSenior reporterRonald Mizen reports on politics, economics, business and the law, with a focus on corporate regulators, lobbyists and investigations from Parliament House, Canberra. Connect with Ronald on Twitter. Email Ronald at

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