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    Why setting goals is bad for you

    While it’s useful to know what you want to achieve and the direction you want to take, goal-setting might not actually be the best way to get you there.

    Amantha Imber

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    To be successful, you need to set goals and work towards them, right? That’s what all the self-help gurus say. And most managers would agree. Make sure it’s a SMART goal – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound – and then go for it!

    If your organisation has charged you with doing some (smart) goal-setting, it might be time to do a rethink on whether goal setting will get you to where you want to go.

    Setting goals might give you a permanent sense of failure. iStock

    Adam Alter, a bestselling author and professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, is not a huge fan of goal-setting. While Alter acknowledges that goals can be helpful signposts and they tell you the direction in which to point yourself, he believes the idea of goal-setting is flawed.

    “There’s an element of goal-setting that’s a little bit broken for me,” Alter says.

    “A goal basically means that until you hit your goal, you’re inherently failing. When you are working towards your goal, you’re still failing, failing, failing, until you reach the goal, and then you succeed. And the way humans work is that we don’t really rest on our laurels, which means we don’t really get much joy from achieving a goal.”

    Big and small

    Alter describes this as being true for both big and small goals. When we work towards a goal, we potentially feel like rubbish because until we reach it, we are in a constant state of failure.

    And then, when we achieve the goal, we don’t feel a lasting sense of accomplishment because what do we do? We immediately set a new goal. So, we immediately return to our state of failure. It becomes an iterative process of goal-setting, failure state, success, failure state, success. Forever.

    While it’s useful to know what you want to achieve and the direction you want to take, goal-setting might not actually be the best way to get you there. Alter tries to sit down for a couple of hours every month and think about what direction he is aiming to go in, and how he wants to allocate his resources and efforts.


    But he doesn’t set goals. Instead, he sets systems.

    “Instead of saying, for example: ‘My goal is to write 100,000 words,’ I reframe it and say: ‘My system is that every morning for an hour I’m going to write 500 words.’ And eventually that’s going to amount to 100,000 words, but you don’t think of it that way. You think of it as a system. This is my system for achieving that end state.”

    Systems, not goals

    If the system is an achievable one, the process becomes self- reinforcing because you can achieve it every day and see clear progress. Systems feel much more fulfilling and, as such, Alter says people feel more motivated when using systems instead of goals. And when our motivation increases, so does the quality of our work.

    Assuming you are not an author, like Alter, and instead have goals such as generating a certain number of sales per quarter, the key lies in thinking about what is a daily activity that will ultimately lead to you achieving that goal. For example, phone calls and meetings are typically lead indicators of sales. Your daily system might involve booking in three meetings a day for sales conversations.

    Professors Gary Latham and Travor Brown investigated the effects of using systems instead of goals with 125 students who had just started their MBA. One group of students was asked to focus on applying strategies to learn more effectively.

    A second group had to set a goal for what they wanted to achieve in the year ahead, such as the mark they wanted to receive, otherwise known as a distal goal. (I secretly suspect that the MBA students who were in the goal-setting group felt they were the lucky ones – after all, we’re talking about MBA students here.)

    It turns out they weren’t the lucky ones. The researchers found, somewhat ironically, that students who focused on systems for learning more effectively achieved better marks than those who set the goal of achieving high grades.

    So why do people perform better when they specify the systems they will apply instead of the marks they want to achieve? Imagine that your strategy or system is to study for two hours every night. As the evening approaches, this strategy feels achievable. After all, you will achieve it in a matter of just two hours. This feels feasible, and things that feel attainable also happen to feel motivating and energising.

    But if your goal is to get a high distinction at the end of semester, it feels far off and is thus a lot less motivating and inspiring.

    Dr Amantha Imber is the author of Time Wise (of which this article is an edited extract), the founder of behavioural science consultancy Inventium .

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