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    Why the UK is letting the grass grow under its feet – literally

    Meadows are blooming again across the land and even the Tower of London is in on the act.

    Sue Bennett

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    Imagine an English country garden and it’s likely to feature herbaceous borders teeming with summer flowers, old-fashioned climbing roses and a perfectly mown lawn.

    These days, however, the lawn may not be quite so picture perfect. The No Mow May movement, which encourages gardeners to leave the mower in the shed for a month if not longer, is part of a national debate over biodiversity and sustainability in Britain.

    Spring wild flowers in full bloom outside Highgrove House, the home of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. GAP Photos//Highgrove - A. Butler

    It reaches from individual backyards to government policy on farming and has the potential to change the UK landscape.

    Britain got a giant wake-up call in the early 2000s when it was revealed it had lost 97 per cent of its meadows, about 3 million hectares, in the previous 70 years.

    These semi-natural grasslands, often managed for hay or animal fodder, are a quintessential part of the national patchwork landscape of fields and hedgerows. They are a place where wildflowers and grasses flourish, creating a food source for bees, butterflies and birds.

    Prince Charles, who has written of the “appalling loss” of meadows and the spotlight they put on the “fragile fragments of our heritage”, was an early adopter of preserving and creating wildlife havens.

    Gardeners sow seeds by hand in the moat surrounding the Tower of London, in preparation for Superbloom. Getty

    His own wildflower meadow at Highgrove House, in the Cotswolds, has more than 70 flowers and grasses and was planted more than 35 years ago. But it’s his mother, Queen Elizabeth, who is bringing the wildflower meadow to international prominence this week with the transformation of the moat at the Tower of London into a spectacular field of flowers. The event is one of the monarch’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

    More than 20 million seeds, using 15 wildflower mixes, were sown this year at the historical site, built in the 13th century and once a feared prison and place of execution surrounded by water. The floral spectacle, called Superbloom, was opened this week and will remain open until September 18. Visitors enter the site by an (optional) slide then take a path through the field of flowers.


    They can expect to see a multitude of varieties including gypsophilas, cornflowers, flaxes and rudbeckias, depending on when each flowers.

    The royal family has been at the forefront of the meadow revival initiative. Prince Charles began a scheme that encourages each county to identify its best surviving meadow then use seed from there to create a new one. So far, there are more than 90.

    A wildflower meadow ablaze with colour in County Durham. 

    He has written: “To step into a wildflower meadow is to step out of time. Whether a cherished area of one’s garden or part of the wider farmed landscape, meadows hold a special place in our hearts.”

    It’s the wider farmed landscape where emotions are running high in the UK over proposed agricultural policies. Post Brexit, devolved UK governments are able to replace the European Union common agricultural policy, which supports farmers through price guarantees and income subsidies.

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government proposes rewarding English farmers who adopt sustainable practices, create habitats for nature recovery and establish new woodland to help tackle climate change. It’s known colloquially as rewilding.

    Rewilding has obvious benefits for wildlife, but for people too, by greening areas where they can roam and bird watch or participate actively in nature’s recovery. 

    Those who invest in animal health and welfare as part of a sustainable farming approach will also receive aid.

    The government proposals are made against a background of a 2050 net-zero-carbon target. At present, 70 per cent of England’s landscape is farmed and it produces 10 per cent of its greenhouse gases. Britain grows about 60 per cent of the food its population eats.

    With derision, journalist-turned-farmer with a TV show Jeremy Clarkson described the plan as “lovely”, while asking, “But where will our food come from?” He claimed the Prime Minister regards farmers as “ruddy-faced plant-killers”.


    A more nuanced response is made by Lake District farmer James Rebanks. His bestselling books eloquently outline his, and his forebears’ practices in the region and how he is trying to manage his land sustainably. He accuses the government of offering bits of wilderness to “buy us off” while most of England will be more intensively, and more industrially, farmed.

    “Those two things don’t actually make sense,” he told the BBC. “What this is really about is the deregulation of agriculture and the environment, the liberalisation of trade policies.”

    Farmer James Rebanks on his farm in the west of the Lake District National Park. Getty

    He was especially scathing about the free trade deal signed with Australia in June last year. He tweeted the following day that it set the tone for how the British landscape would be managed for years to come – “because [Australians] are held to completely different welfare and environmental standards and have a whole post-colonial landscape to scale up on ... The problem is: the British landscape doesn’t scale up or intensify to [compete on that basis] without grave damage to its remaining biodiversity.”

    Although British farmers were promised a “green” future after Brexit, he said free trade would leave them with little alternative but to compete on equal terms. “Farmers are drawing a simple and obvious conclusion: intensify or die. And this is a disaster for the British landscape: a total, unmitigated disaster that will unfold over years,” he warned.

    There are many plans across the UK for rewilding – a term that can provoke support and derision in equal measure.

    Aldourie Castle, on the banks of Loch Ness in Scotland, dates back to 1625. The property is now owned by billionaire businessman and rewilding advocate Anders Holch Povlsen. Alamy

    In Scotland, billionaire retailer Anders Holch Povlsen is making an impact in the Highlands. The Danish owner of international clothing chain Bestseller and largest shareholder in ASOS is also the UK’s largest landowner, reputedly owning 93,000 hectares.

    His 200-year rewilding plan is described as the most ambitious privately funded environmental scheme in Britain. It will allow native woodlands to regenerate and flourish with the removal of sheep and the planting of millions of trees. In late 2020, The Times reported that more than 4 million trees had already been planted on his estates.

    In a rare interview, Povlsen told the newspaper: “This [the Highlands] is not a natural environment any more – when you’re out there and there’s only heather, heather, heather. In some places, you will not be able to see a single tree for miles. Then we dig into the peat and you will find it used to be a forest, and not only that, we can change it back to its splendour and natural state.”


    Few people have the financial might to match Povlsen. But as British politicians navigate a tricky path through conflicting interests to tackle climate change, many British citizens are taking matters into their own hands and gardens.

    The gardens at Buckingham Palace, which are open to the public during the summer months. The area around the lake has been allowed to grow wild. Getty

    They buy peat-free compost (which will be banned from sale in 2024), plant bee-friendly flowers and think twice about mowing lawns. Keen observers visiting the UK will also see road and motorway verges left to grow naturally and stately homes where vast, once close-cut lawns have been replaced by trimmed paths through long grass.

    The trend extends to Buckingham Palace, where the garden now opens to the public. The lawn is still perfectly cut with stripes. But around the lake, nature is allowed to take its course and grows wild. On my tour, the palace guide said the bees, butterflies and ducks were very happy with the new policy.

    Rewilding at scale

    From an Australian perspective, a new nature reserve totalling 6140 hectares might not seem such a big deal: Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park in northern Sydney, for example, is a staggering 14,977 hectares.

    But the UK is a small island that’s home to 67.2 million people. Its high density makes the very existence of its remaining tracts of wilderness all the more miraculous – and precious.

    The first super nature reserve was created at Purbeck Heaths in Dorset in 2020: it comprises 11 essential wildlife habitats over 3331 hectares.  Dorset AONB/Gareth James

    So the British government’s announcement last month that it would create a “super nature reserve” in Somerset, amalgamating six protected sites with locations managed by numerous other organisations and individual landowners, is indeed a big deal.


    The move expands the existing “natural nature reserve” in the area by 56 per cent, offering greater protection to the county’s rare and endangered wildlife. These include the avocet, marsh harrier, bittern and skylark – the bird whose exquisite song inspired Shelley’s poem To a Skylark and composer Ralph Vaughan Williams’ The Lark Ascending – as well as myriad creatures ranging from 19 species of dragonflies to the great-crested newt.

    The country’s first super reserve opened just before the pandemic struck, at Purbeck Heaths in the neighbouring county of Dorset.

    The aim of these super reserves is to combine diverse pieces of land that had previously been segregated – salt marshes, grassland and intertidal mudflats, in Somerset’s case – and restore the landscape to its natural, organic state, creating a safer, sustainable ecosystem for wildlife.

    The announcement of the Somerset Wetlands National Nature Reserve was made on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the UK’s first six “natural nature reserves” in May 1952. There are now 219 of them across the nation, providing scope for more super reserves.

    Natural England is the group tasked with advising the government on all things conservation related. Its chairman, Tony Juniper, says Somerset’s super reserve represents real hope for the future, “not least because it presents a practical demonstration of what can be done by working in partnership across the landscape, at scale, to reverse nature’s decline”. – BRIDGET ELLIOT

    The Jubilee Superbloom event, at the Tower of London, runs until September 18.

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