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    How industry super beat the barbarians

    Industry super funds, with their increasing funds and better knowledge, are the new apex capitalists. They are in the process of sketching out the next phase of private equity and venture capital.

    Jemima WhyteSenior reporter

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    Almost 15 years ago, private equity funds were the barbarians at the gate, the apex capitalists, respected and feared for their strategy of cutting costs, leveraging up and flipping assets to extract eye-watering returns.

    Local industry super funds were an afterthought, a folksy not-for-profit sector, controlled by unions and employer groups, being shown the ropes, and handing over increasingly sizeable cheques to funds managers in listed equities and private equity at just the wrong time.

    "The first objective is to make money for Hostplus members," says Sam Sicillia.  Josh Robenstone

    Now, the power has shifted: it's the super funds, with their increasing funds and better knowledge that have the whip hand, and are in the process of sketching out the next phase of private equity and venture capital.

    You might have thought these funds – many with their boards studded with union officials – would want to use their clout for social good. But they're not quite there.

    Rather, they say it's financial returns first, and anything else falls much further down the list.

    "The first objective is to make money for Hostplus members. The second objective is to make money for Hostplus members. And that's the third as well," says Hostplus chief investment officer Sam Sicilia, who oversees the $45 billion fund, of which 7 per cent or $3 billion is allocated to private equity investments.

    "Then there are secondary benefits four, five and six: it's good for the economy, great for jobs, spin-off cures for diseases ... They cannot be the primary reason we do things, we are not a charity, we are not a government, we solely exist to provide financial returns for our members' retirement.

    "If someone could show me that the only reason I did something was because it was good for the economy ... then the regulator should come down hard on me."

    Business isn't ready for the change


    Industry super funds and their $1.2 trillion under management have already reorganised the food chain in the sharemarket, unlisted infrastructure and property investments.

    In listed equities, AustralianSuper and a few others are now more often the first call brokers make to do a deal, rather than the traditional fund managers. Their demands have begun to shape boards and pay packets.

    All that's still unfolding in the unlisted sector.

    It's been slower, in part because in private equity, local super funds are have under-allocated compared to their global peers. Local super funds allocate on average just 2 per cent of their assets to private equity, compared to 10 per cent or so by offshore funds.

    That's slowly changing.

    "The Australian business sector is underprepared for this change. In 10 years from now, the most significant forces at play in the Australian economy will be large institutional investors and super funds," Australian Investment Council chief executive Yasser El-Ansary says.

    This year, industry body Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association [AVCAL] rebranded itself as Australian Investment Council – the voice of private capital – to better reflect the super funds' input, and the blurring of roles in the unlisted market.

    Cameron Blanks, Australian Investment Council Board Chair and managing director at Pacific Equity Partners, and Andrew Major, the GM of Unlisted Assets at HESTA. 

    But many – including the country's largest industry fund Australian Super – had already been members of the industry body for years.

    In venture capital, which invests in small, early stage start-ups, there's a strong awareness there wouldn't be an industry without funds like Hostplus, which is supporting the space because it aligns with its younger membership.


    No venture capital without super

    "Our story has been enabled and super-charged by industry super funds investing," says Niki Scevak of Blackbird Ventures, which has invested in companies including design company Canva, online marketplace for artists RedBubble, and self-driving car company Zoox.

    "Without industry super funds, there's no venture industry in Australia, they are mutually dependent."

    Private equity – whether the smaller scale venture capital or far larger traditional buy-out funds – is now hard to separate from industry funds.

    But there are some obvious tests coming.

    How will industry funds – long-term holders of assets – deal with private equity's traditional time frame of selling after three to five years?

    Will that change the way the PE funds extract value for their investors, knowing that one of their major investors will continue to own the asset?

    And will it force them to be less slash and burn, and more caring and sharing with their workforces?

    "When we invest in a company we have to think about it not only in our investment horizon, but the next owner's investment horizon," says Pacific Equity Partners managing director Cameron Blanks, who also sits on the AIC board.

    Navitas is the first big test


    Earlier this year, AustralianSuper caught the market off-guard when it joined with private equity fund BGH Capital to bid for ASX-listed private hospital operator Healthscope and, separately and successfully, education provider Navitas.

    This week, shareholders approved the $2.3 billion acquisition of Navitas.

    It's the first deal of this scale in the private equity sphere with a local fund using this type of "co-underwriting structure", which gives the super fund a much greater share of the deal.

    BGH Capital's Ben Gray teamed up with AustralianSuper to buy listed education provider Navitas, the first deal of its kind with a local industry fund. Sanjeev Singh/Photos by Jeevs

    AustralianSuper's private equity investment manager Terry Charalambous says there will be more deals of this type.

    "This partnership model has worked well for us, our focus is on continuing the model," he says.

    "What we've done more recently gets us involved in the investment process earlier, sometimes pre-bid, which can give us the opportunity to be involved in the due diligence, and the opportunity to write a larger cheque."

    While industry funds say they will operate like any financial owner – and some say they will defer to the private equity fund's expertise – there's still uncertainty about whether their new way of investing will change how businesses are run.

    The regulations might be clear-cut, but not everyone sees it like that.

    "Our hope (as opposed to our expectations) is that with an industry super fund as part of the new ownership arrangements, the Navitas management approach to all things industrial ... may be more enlightened," says National Tertiary Education Union organiser Michael Evans.


    There have been a number of public examples of unions pushing industry funds to heavy companies they are invested in, including in 2017 where unions campaigned against IFM Investors and AustralianSuper for their handling of electricity distributor AusGrid's job cuts.

    In early 2017, the journalists' union the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance tried a similar approach when private equity fund TPG tabled a $2.7 billion approach for Fairfax Media. The union contacted the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, which was bidding with TPG, to raise its concerns.

    "We wanted to see guarantees around continuing employment and resourcing for the newsroom ... we thought we might get a sympathetic hearing, I guess," says MEAA chief executive Paul Murphy, adding that no real conversation was had, though that was also because TPG walked away from the proposed deal.

    But the best example of how an industry fund is not be persuaded by emotive arguments about workers, says Sicilia, is his fund's investment in the technology sector.

    "This technology revolution is a net destroyer of jobs. Don't for one minute believe it will create more jobs than will be destroyed. This tech revolution is about the replacement of jobs," he says.

    "Why would an industry fund encourage greater investment in VC [which backs technology]?

    'This is not a socialist agenda. We're capitalists'

    "The answer is because in every industry fund there are employers and union people around the table, and when you have common interest around the table, they make the common interest decision. And that's to make money for the members.

    "This is not a socialist agenda. We're capitalists. Look at the industry we are in, we buy assets that make money, we want to turn a dollar into multiples of a dollar. This is not communism."

    That's not saying that ESG isn't a consideration. Often, it's simply good business practice.


    AustralianSuper met with the Independent Teachers Union ahead of its Navitas purchase to check whether the company was a reasonable employer in industrial negotiations, the union said.

    HESTA's general manager, unlisted assets, Andrew Major says one consideration for any investment is reputational risk.

    "As our pool of capital and influence and visibility grows, it's really important we are managing from that [reputational risk] perspective. We have a social contract or social licence and need to have a level of comfort around that," says Major, who is also AIC chair.

    AustralianSuper's Charalambous agrees it's a factor, but stresses it's not a key driver.

    "ESG is a consideration in the investment process, but I can't think of any examples where we've had to pass on investments because of ESG. It's one of a number of investment criteria we look at," he says.

    Though that perhaps understates the creeping trend, led by the offshore pension and endowment funds.

    Most international pension funds – and the local super funds – require ESG briefings or papers, ahead of an investment, according to one private equity fund.

    Also, it's common for mandates to include clauses which commit to holding constructive dialogues with the workforce, or not underpaying workers.

    "We as a manager we've had to evolve and adapt over the last five to 10 years, to make sure ESG is front of mind, not only in our assessment of what to invest in, how our management running their businesses," says PEP's Blanks, who says it has been led by European funds.

    It's not the only way in which local super funds have been influenced by their global peers.


    'Can't put the squeeze on global funds'

    Blanks says the experience of local industry funds investing in offshore funds has also made them more focused on net returns, rather than just fees.

    "If you go back 10 or five years ago, the focus on fees was overwhelming to net returns," he says.

    One of the reasons for the shift in focus is that when Aussie funds invest overseas they are smaller fish in bigger ponds, Blanks says. "They can't put the squeeze on global funds."

    AustralianSuper is the exception to this rule. Charalambous says the fund will keep allocating to specialist funds that focus on specific industries, bringing both the knowledge of a strategic buyer and investment discipline of private equity.

    In terms of private equity influence and nous, AustralianSuper is the undisputed heavyweight among industry super.

    The fund will boost its global allocation to private equity from 4 per cent to 7 per cent in the next five years. That means it will have closer to $15 billion to allocate compared to the existing $6 billion.

    "We're chasing a growing denominator, so the percentage increase belies the dollar increase," says Charalambous.

    AustralianSuper, say industry observers, is as sophisticated as any global pension fund, not least because of its strategy of investing in global private equity players.

    The fund's approach and the trend to investing in global PE might also be driving the split in the size of local private equity fund size: they're either big, like BGH Capital and Pacific Equity Partners, which raise $2 billion-plus size funds, or much smaller, usually under $500 million. The exception to this is Quadrant Private Equity, which raised $1 billion with its latest fund.


    That's changed compared to 10 years ago, Blanks says, as super funds have expanded their focus to include global funds and discarded the "Australia for Australia" strategy where industry funds supported most of the local PE funds.

    The industry tiering may also be because it's challenging for industry funds to write big cheques and co-invest with the mega-funds, particularly as some still have a relatively small allocation to private equity.

    Co-underwriting – getting in early on a deal, doing due diligence with the fund and writing a larger cheque – is particularly attractive for industry funds because it helps funds to get down their management expense ratio.

    The MER can look very high in the early stages of a private equity fund when it hasn't deployed all of its capital, because funds typically require commitments up front. But co-underwriting and co-investment doesn't attract additional fees, so lowers the MER and allows the funds to invest more.

    One private equity insider says the concerns about high MERs may explain why smaller funds' allocation to private equity remains so low relative to global standards.

    The new apex capitalists?

    Both private equity funds or industry super funds say their relationship is a true partnership.

    While super funds have set up their own in-house teams to do the job of fund managers in other asset classes, the overriding view is that it doesn't work for private equity – largely because it's too expensive to run the strategy in-house.

    As well, it's a way of keeping some risk at arm's length.

    "When you internalise asset management, you also internalise asset management risk," says Hostplus' Sicilia. He says if PE fund managers reduce their fees further, the discussion is less likely to come up.

    HESTA's Major, who also chairs AIC, also says reducing fees is an important dynamic, though stresses the fund doesn't want to bring private equity in-house. The specialist expertise needed means "it's harder to do [internalisation] in PE than other unlisted asset classes."

    HESTA has been trying to address its limited scale and get co-investment deals by backing IFM Investors'private equity strategy, writing cheques for all the group's investments which have included fast-fashion chain Colette, Genie Solutions and Focus on Furniture, which appointed voluntary administrators in May.

    In the meantime, the buy-out funds are all too aware their new partnerships come with strings attached.

    "If we as an industry, as a private market industry, don't deliver value to our customers, then they either won’t invest with us or may decide to do it themselves. So we have to continue to add value," says PEP's Blanks.

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    Jemima Whyte
    Jemima WhyteSenior reporterJemima Whyte writes on business, specialising in companies, capital markets and innovation. Jemima has reported on business for The Australian Financial Review for more than 13 years. Email Jemima at

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