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    Gone to ground in iso? Then why not grow dinner?

    A new book shows how to create your own edible garden, no matter how small your space.

    Radishes are small enough to grow in little pots tucked into a bright corner. Rita Platts

    Wayne HeeleyHome page editor

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    I spent a recent wet, windy and chilly Saturday night hunting snails by torchlight. Not to make escargot, but to stop the blighters eating the herb garden on my balcony. How do snails even reach a first-floor balcony? That's some impressive mountaineering.

    It's a constant and tedious battle. If they find my herbs first, they feast. They seem especially fond of my pots of mint and coriander. If I find them first, I throw them over my balcony and listen for the satisfying crack as they hit the street. I'm yet to snail-bomb an innocent passer-by.

    If you're short of space, you might prefer to plant varieties you can't get at the supermarket.  

    Yet a new gardening book, Claire Ratinon's How to Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving the House, suggests a more humane and reliable method. Snails love a beer (so they can't be all bad). A mix of beer, sugar and water in a small dish will lure them in, where they will then drown. Presumably very merry.

    The book is part of a series of "How To" titles by Laurence King Publishing timed to help those housebound by the pandemic live their best iso-life. The others are How to Raise a Plant and How to Raise a Loaf. Instagram is full of home-made sourdoughs these days.

    Let's get real for a moment. Planting your regulation tomatoes or potatoes is going to take up a lot of precious balcony space.

    How to Grow your Dinner is for anyone without a conventional garden who harbours dreams of a modest, edible garden – apartment-dwellers with a balcony, inner-city terrace types with a tiny, tiled front porch, or even just a sunny windowsill.

    Creating an edible garden in unconventional urban settings is a growing movement, from deserted building sites in South Central Los Angeles to the rooftop of Queen Elizabeth's private bank in London.

    So in these iso-times, why not join the movement and feel a sense of belonging?


    You don't need a green thumb, as the book steps the reader through basic principles, such as when and what to plant, choosing the right pots, watering, light, pollination, protection, feeding and harvesting.

    The first section of the book, Getting Started, looks at the planning fundamentals: what you can realistically grow on a balcony, how much space you have, what type of pots are best, a couple of sample balcony potting plans, the tools and materials you'll need.

    Ratinon is also a big fan of keeping a planting diary, so that you have a record of what works, fails and how you got there. Although it makes sense, it seems laborious. As a gardener, I'm more ad hoc and just plant what takes my fancy at the time. Perhaps that's why my garden is more chaotic and less productive.

    She suggests growing your vegetables and herbs from seed and explains how to sow and care for them, when to transplant them into bigger pots and what type of fertilisers are best for which plants. Although there's an undoubted thrill in seeing your seeds first pop green shoots above ground I'm an impatient gardener and prefer to plant a more established seedling.

    One caveat of the book is that it's written with a UK gardener in mind. So you will need to reverse the seasonal recommendations. And some, such as frost, are unlikely to be a problem in most Australian climates.

    An image of chillies from the book. These are also simple to grow. Ida Riveros


    The next section of the book focuses on the specifics of growing popular plants: salad leaves, chillies, tomatoes, eggplants, peas and beans, radishes, beetroot and potatoes.

    Let's get real for a moment. Planting your regulation tomatoes or potatoes is going to take up a lot of your precious balcony space. If the result is the same kind of tomato as you can get in your local supermarket, it's probably not a good return on the space you invested. And it won't yield enough to feed you and your loved ones daily.

    Sensibly, Ratinon suggests planting unusual, heirloom seeds. The result will be unusual varieties that are impossible to buy at your local grocer and that act as a "star ingredient" in special meals.



    This is my favourite part of the book. Ratinon looks at the differences in growing annual herbs, such as basil and parsley, that need replacing each year and perennial herbs, that will last for years, such as rosemary and sage.

    Again, you might want to consider planting varieties you can't get at the supermarket.

    Last year – it seems like a lifetime ago – I visited the gin distillery on Kangaroo Island, Kangaroo Island Spirits. I was there to try the gin, which is excellent, but was also delighted to spend a while wandering through the distillery's charming, whimsical basil garden, planted in a spiral design.

    It features more than 12 types of basil, many I'd never heard of, used as botanicals in the gin. The memory of that garden has stayed with me. And Ratinon's book has inspired me to plant something similar this spring. There are at least 18 basil seed varieties available in Australia.

    After my recent Saturday night snail massacre, I sat down to eat a delicious carrot and cumin soup with herb croutons and fresh herbs. The herbs came from my garden and I swear they made the soup taste better.

    How to Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving the House, by Claire Ratinon, is published by Laurence King Publishing and available at Thames & Hudson Australia, $25

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    Wayne HeeleyHome page editorWayne is a web, social and newsletter editor at The Australian Financial Review. Email Wayne at

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