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    How GFC winners are playing it now

    Dion Hershan, Anton Tagliaferro, David Pace and Nick Pashias outline how they're viewing COVID-19 in terms of traps and opportunities.

    Sarah TurnerPerspective editor

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    The top fund managers of the global financial crisis have dusted off their crisis playbooks and are getting ready to seize what could be the best buying opportunities for more than a decade.

    Financial markets are in the grip of COVID-19 pandemic panic. The Australian market has dropped more than 25 per cent since scaling its record peak of 7162 on February 20.

    The last six weeks have been a disaster, with many listed companies telling investors they have no idea where their earnings will land in the current financial year.

    The last time companies suffered such concerted damage to their share prices was during the GFC in 2008-09. With that in mind, Smart Investor asked financial services company Morningstar to compile a list of four funds that outperformed during the GFC and its immediate aftermath where the portfolio managers are still in place.

    They include Dion Hershan’s Yarra Capital Australian Equity Fund, Anton Tagliaferro’s Investors Mutual All Industrials Share Fund, David Pace and Jonathan Koh's Greencape High Conviction Fund and Nick Pashias’ Antares Elite Opportunities Fund.

    Just like the GFC?

    The GFC compares most closely with the COVID-19 crisis in terms of the magnitude of share price declines suffered by investors. However, fund managers are struggling to draw out significant further direct comparisons.

    “This is a far more significant economic event. It’s a monumentally larger shock and it’s coming at a time when the government has probably got a lot less ammunition to fight it,” says Hershan.

    Fund managers follow tried and trusted methods when they swing into crisis mode. Simon Letch

    This downturn is more complex than during the GFC, says Tagliaferro. “The GFC was clearly a financial crisis induced by the lax lending in the US housing market. This is quite different. It's a unique set of circumstances where we have a pandemic."


    During the GFC, Pace says, he was able to pull together enough data to be satisfied that there was a base level of economic growth in the US. But that “gets hard when GDP is out the back door".

    "In the GFC, there was nothing stopping us from getting on planes. That’s our immediate response to economic fallout. I did two weeks of one-on-one meetings in the US after the GFC."

    But while the cause of this crisis is not similar to that of the GFC, it is still a financial markets crisis and fund managers follow tried and trusted methods when they swing into crisis mode.

    For Pashias, co-head of equities at Antares Equities, shoring up his portfolio was key to outperformance in the GFC.

    “Based on our bottom-up valuation work, we were defensively positioned leading into the GFC. Initially this hurt our relative performance as the market continued to perform strongly,” he says.

    But as liquidity dried up, relative performance improved spectacularly, he says. “Market participants flocked to the security of stable cash flows and modestly geared balance sheets.”

    The best opportunities

    Pashias says at the start of this sell-off, “we were positioned in more of the cyclical names. The resolution of Brexit and the US-China trade deal, along with an expected bounce in global growth, gave us some confidence in the outlook for 2020.

    “But, as we all know, the coronavirus changed all of that in a few short months. We began obsessing over the data at an early stage and took corrective action.”

    The causes are very different, says Hershan, but the outcomes are similar. "We have a pretty similar playbook in how we are dealing with it,” he says.


    “This is a great time to upgrade the quality of the companies you own because in some respects the market is on sale.”

    Hershan approaches any crisis by ensuring that he holds quality companies with good balance sheets because these are typically the fastest to recover and have the highest certainty of recovery.

    “I’ve seen a fair few crises. I think what’s really important is to keep some perspective and not to get too caught up in the moment," he says. "Often from some of these dark moments, when sentiment is awful and volatility is very elevated and the pressure seems pretty unlimited, that’s when some of the best opportunities will arise.”

    Tagliaferro points out that style has a bearing on crisis thinking in fund management.

    “We are a value investor – we tend to own stocks that we think are conservatively run and which have good management and a good track record. So to that extent, we don’t have to worry about companies where investors have very, very high and probably unrealistic expectations. We are not into things like WiseTech and Afterpay.

    “We went into this invested in well-established companies and now it’s just a matter – because of the nature of the correction – of trying to understand how these companies will be positioned."

    This time is different

    What everyone is trying to understand, says Tagliaferro, is the economic implications of the reaction to the pandemic.

    "We’ve seen travel bans, we’ve seen factory closures, we’ve seen shutdowns and that’s going to have a very sharp impact on economic growth and short-term profitability. I think that’s clear.


    “What is unknown, beyond the health issues, is what the world will look like in three to six months, when things start to normalise. That’s the bit that’s very subjective.”

    Pace agrees. “I would tell you today there is absolute value in pockets but part of the difficulty in making that statement is that you have to paint an economic scenario.

    “If this is a U-shaped recovery, there are a whole lot of high-quality cyclical names like James Hardie that you want to be buying today. That discussion is different if we are going into a hard and sustained recession."

    Capital raisings the key once more

    Tagliaferro, too, underlines the importance of a strong balance sheet. “What we are looking for are companies with long, durable franchises which also have reasonable balance sheets.

    “Balance sheets are very important as clearly no one knows what the level of activity will be in the next three to six months. If recovery is slower than many people are expecting, then they may need to raise equity.”

    Pace says: “One of the inevitable phases of an economic-driven market correction is capital raising. This one is no different. With the benefit of hindsight, it is very clear to us the type of businesses that we want to support if they come to the market to raise – they are the super-high-quality management teams.

    In an economic rout, he says, the cream rises to the top. "They have a crisis management plan in place pretty quickly and they have their hands firmly on those levers."

    How to profit

    For Hershan, active participation in some of these recapitalisations is important. “For a lot of companies, the business is fine but the balance sheet is wrong,” he adds. So if you are recapitalising them, a lot of value gets created when you take that issue off the table.”


    Fund managers have learnt a few lessons from the GFC on what to do when the immediate panic fades.

    “The second leg of the GFC was just as important, and related to the timing of the recovery,” says Pashias. "During the late stages of 2008, we began to pivot away from defensive companies to those more cyclical in nature that had performed poorly."

    The fund was a few months early as markets didn’t bottom until March 2009 although performance came though strongly over the calendar year.

    “We continue to obsess over the numbers and in looking for a turning point because like the GFC, there will be a time to again pivot towards those companies that have been harshly dealt with in the sell-off,” says Pashias.

    Tagliaferro is taking a conservative view of the duration of the crisis but has an eye on opportunities. “There’s definitely better value today than three months ago. Share prices have turned significantly lower.

    “We think that the economic disruption will go on for some time. We are sticking to companies that we believe have good long-term prospects, that carry out an important function in the economy, such as Brambles, Coles and Aurizon.

    “At times of weakness, we are attracted to some of those companies, but conversely we are very cautious of areas like banks and the REIT sector,” referring to real estate investment trusts.

    Essential services

    Pace says "the pointy end" of his portfolio is representative of essential services – "true essential services that will come out of this with a higher base of earnings”. He cites Amcor, Brambles and Fisher & Paykel as examples.


    “That’s not to say that the existing momentum doesn’t fade a bit, but we expect Brambles and Amcor to take share in this environment. They are the scale players and the quality players.

    “It’s holding those essential names with a higher base of earnings that allows us to think more constructively about the cyclical names – the James Hardies, the Seeks. They are very high quality but are beholden to the market to some extent.

    “In a very measured way, we will be buying cyclical names of quality as they continue to get sold off.”

    Wild card

    Hershan says two sectors are really interesting at the moment – but one is for the patient and the other is for the brave.

    Patient investors could consider infrastructure, he says. “In this downturn, infrastructure hasn’t proved to be defensive because traffic has plummeted. You can’t time it, but this shock will pass."

    Most of these businesses are monopolies with long concessions. As activity picks up, he thinks shareholders will be rewarded.

    "To us, companies like Sydney Airport, Atlas Arteria and Transurban look really interesting."

    For the brave, Hershan suggests energy. “The demand shock that we have seen is off the charts," he says. “It's worth reflecting back to 2008, when the oil market was written off and people assumed it was structural. The market tightened up and the oil price literally tripled inside of three years."

    This time, he's not of the view that the price will triple but does see the market tightening up dramatically. Oil and gas capex is going to plummet and US production will fall sharply, he says. "All of those things will naturally tighten the market up."

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    Sarah Turner
    Sarah TurnerPerspective editorSarah Turner is the editor of the AFR Weekend Perspective section based in our Sydney newsroom. Email Sarah at

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