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    Why this CEO runs marathons barefoot (and plays golf in the dark)

    To stay focused on making luxury travel affordable, the high-energy chief executive and co-founder of Luxury Escapes, Adam Schwab, jogs outdoors without shoes and tees off with luminous balls.

    Patrick DurkinBOSS Deputy editor

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    What’s your morning routine?

    I try to get to bed at 10pm and get up at 5am or 5.15am. I do an hour’s work until 6am and run up to five times a week.

    I run with no shoes, so if I went in the pitch black, it would be a bit iffy. I started running barefoot about 10 years ago.

    Luxury Escapes CEO Adam Schwab: “I started running barefoot and haven’t had an injury in 10 years.” Eamon Gallagher

    I run from near here [Dundas & Faussett cafe in Albert Park, Melbourne] to the beach on a bike path.

    Have you read the book Born to Run? It’s about 20 years old. It’s one of those real-life stories of this guy who goes to Mexico and there is this tribe of runners who are some of the best runners in the world and don’t wear shoes.

    There’s another book by Bruce Tulloh, who is the father of barefoot running. Long story short, my wife did it for about a month. I just kept going.

    I was having shin splints, ITB [iliotibial band syndrome] (knee) issues and constant annoying issues while wearing shoes. I started running barefoot and haven’t had an injury in 10 years.

    I’ve run marathons barefoot, about 20 odd half-marathons barefoot. Usually, there’s one or two others barefoot.

    You also play golf in the mornings, in the dark, you said?


    I play golf at Albert Park a couple of times a week. I tend to do a Monday and a Thursday. I’ve got these glow-in-the-dark balls, so I play before everyone else. It’s like a tracing missile through the air, so it is impossible to lose it.

    In summer, I start at 5am and in winter, I start at 6am, so hopefully home before my [two] kids leave [for school]. I play 18 holes in two hours. I mostly play by myself, but there are a few people who do it.

    There is a thing called speed golf, where you play in under an hour. I don’t run, but when you are by yourself you just hit the ball and go. I think my record was an hour and 50 minutes.

    What do you eat?

    I fast in the mornings, so I don’t eat until lunchtime. I just have water or a mineral water if I go out. I don’t drink coffee.

    I’m vegetarian as well. At work, we have a chef who does meals four days a week. For dinner, I go to South Melbourne market and map out every meal.

    My wife is a bit more spur-of-the-moment. I’ll tend to do cooking Saturday, Sunday and Monday. She will do Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

    How do you get to work?

    I mostly walk or I scoot [with an electronic scooter] or bike. If I am going into the city I tend to scoot in. It’s about a 50-minute walk into work.


    Why have you been so passionate about staff working from the office?

    I’m passionate about working from the office. I don’t think it’s good for employees working from home, the exception being carers. During the pandemic, we probably had 10 per cent of staff [during lockdowns] with severe mental health issues. It’s unequivocal.

    The most important factor in people staying and liking work is having a friend at work. We have a policy of four days a week in the office as a minimum, unless you are a carer.

    What’s your advice for picking an affordable holiday at the moment?

    The best places to go for value are countercyclical.

    Thailand is a great example. Thailand is really busy in December, January, February and March with the Europeans and Russians, but they don’t really go April to November.

    So it is off-peak into Thailand, Vietnam and the Maldives. You don’t want to go during terrible weather, but if you go to Thailand in June, it’s low season. It might rain for an hour and a half. You still have nine hours of great weather, still 30 degrees and really good.

    Maldives for a couple is amazing. Fiji is the ultimate with kids. But Fiji is not really discounting at the moment. It’s like another state of Australia. It’s four hours from Sydney and it’s safe and accessible. Bali is also flying.

    Australia was really busy coming out of the pandemic, but now everyone is discounting, so there are some real bargains, especially in Queensland.

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    Patrick Durkin
    Patrick DurkinBOSS Deputy editorPatrick Durkin is Melbourne bureau chief and BOSS deputy editor. He writes on news, business and leadership. Connect with Patrick on Twitter. Email Patrick at

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